For some of you, the decision to go to a Military School (or, like Fishburne, a school with a military-style education) has been made for a long time. You may not need to read this, but you probably should.
你看到, a Military School education—especially the kind of education you can only receive at Fishburne—may not be exactly what you think it is.
Around here, discipline 和 structure aren’t about control. Actually, they’re about freedom. The freedom from distractions 和 other nonsense you’d rather avoid that keep you from being yourself 和 reaching your goals. Or, as we like to put it, discovering what’s great in you.
Likewise, being an all-boys school isn’t about depriving you of female friends. It’s about introducing you to a brotherhood that will sustain you for your whole life. As an adult, you’ll look back 和 thank yourself for bonding with your Fishburne brothers.
And as for other qualities you might identify with a Military School like honor 和 courage 和 respect 和 loyalty, 好吧, those are all qualities the world values but maybe your current school doesn’t. So when you learn the true meaning of those things, you’ll take them into a world that often doesn’t teach them, but still holds them in the highest regard.
So, 你看到, while a Military School education may seem like a relic of the past (what with all the marching 和 uniforms 和 tightly-made beds), it’s actually the best thing you can do for yourself right now—和 maybe the best thing you can do for a world that needs everyday heroes more than ever.
Our Mission: To provide each cadet with a sound academic foundation, a healthy mental 和 physical environment, 和 leadership training for a better underst和ing of the obligations of honor, citizenship, 和 self-discipline.